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GLOW ME! | Rp. 400,000 / 150 mins
- Light/ Fair/ Radiance/ Pure / Illuminate
- Untuk mencerahkan kulit yang kusam
- Aromatic Foot Bath Ritual
- 60 mins Swedish body massage with Coconut oil
- Double body scrub ( first coconut vanilla body scrub and then rice body scrub)
- Homemade Honey Milk body mask
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
ENERGISE ME! | Rp. 355,000 / 120 mins
- Revitalise/ Awaken/ Focus/ Stimulate
- Untuk mengembalikan stamina
- Aromatic Foot Bath Ritual
- 60mins Swedish body massage with Coconut lemongrass oil
- Coconut Cappuccino body scrub
- Homemade coconut frangipani body mask
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
RELAX ME! | Rp.355,000 / 120 mins
- Calm/ Soothe/ De-Stress/Rest
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- 60mins Balinese body massage with Coconut frangipani oil
- Coconut Frangipani body scrub
- Homemade Coconut Frangipani body mask
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
DETOX ME! | Rp. 355,000 / 120 mins
- Slim/ Cleanse / Tone
- Untuk mengeluarkan racun dari dalam tubuh, perampingan, pengencangan
- Aromatic footbath ritual
- 60mins slimming massage with homemade ginger oil
- Homemade Coconut green tea body scrub
- Homemade mud body wrap
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
REJUVENATE ME! | Rp. 355,000 / 120 mins
- Regenerate/ Anti-Age/ Skin Renew/ Refresh
- Untuk regenerasi sel kulit, mencegah penuaan dini
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- 60 mins Signature body massage with Coconut oil
- Homemade Coconut lulur body scrub
- Fresh Yoghurt body mask
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
HEAL ME! | Rp. 300,000 / 100 mins
- Cure/Remedy/Medicine/Traditional
- Untuk penyembuhan, masuk angina, pengobatan tradisional
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- Choose one of the following
- (Mt Agung Hot Rocks massage, Thai Herbal massage, Balinese Boreh Hot Spicy Therapy)
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Body cream
- Ginger tea
CHEER ME! | Rp. 355,000 / 120 mins
- Mood booster/ Pick Up/ Lift me up
- Untuk menyegarkan, menceriakan dan membahagiakan
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- 60 mins Signature body massage with Coconut jasmine oil
- Homemade Coconut Chocolate body scrub
- Homemade Chocolate body mask
- Body cream
- Hot Chocolate
PamperMINT foot spa! | Rp. 300,000 / 100 mins
- Foot care/tired feet/happy feet
- Untuk merawat dan memanjakan kaki yang penat
Pamper Me Signature Massage! | Rp. 300,000 / 75 mins
- Our signature treatment / special / using homemade massage butter
- Untuk memanjakan diri, me time, menggunakan body butter
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- 75mins Signature body massage using homemade massage butter
- Face accupressure and head massage
- Ginger tea
PMS Healing Therapy ! | Rp. 300.000 / 75mins
- No more cramp/ healing / warm stone therapy
- Untuk meredakan perut kram karena datang bulan
- Aromatic Footbath Ritual
- 60 mins warm stone massage focus on lower back
- Face acupressure and head massage
- Ginger tea